LATEST NEWS! All Hallows Eve 2023
Dark Priest "7 6acred 6atanic 6igils" All Hallows Release
Decay Generator "American Genocide" dropped on 9/11.
Vinylla Beast's album "Emerald Queen" is now out!
You can find some old news here: Old News
Satanica Productions is now in it's 13th year of operation.
Not bad for a little short-run CD label in a now mostly streaming world!
Ongoing: Satanica Artists get excellent promotion on the XW Metal Show. Hosted by The Wrecking Crew
You can catch it live on Radio Foxton every second Friday @ 08.00UT.
Replays of current show on Sundays @ 09.00UT.
Previous show on Saturdays @ 09.00UT.
And archived shows on most week days @ 10.00UT.
Plus, the extreme metal show "The Doggo Shift" plays at 12.00UT most days (13.00UT on Sundays).
Sometimes this features entire albums from Satanica Artists.
Stream is @ radiofoxton.radiostream321.com
(Don't expect metal if you tune in at other times! lol)
The Nine Satanica Statements have been updated. Please read these before purchasing from Satanica.
(They can be found below at the end of the "About" section.)
About Satanica
Satanica was originally just a title add to Beltane's
releases, from 1999 in fact. Since producing over 30 Beltane CD
releases plus running Satanica for well over 12 years (we're currently into our 13th year of operation) we know that we have
created a good system for getting music on CD out there. So now we're working with many other bands who would like to have their CD
releases handled for them & get a good return on each unit sold.
Unlike most small labels, bands that successfully sell a reasonable, yet modest amount with Satanica receive good royalties, paid as actual cash. Our system is innovative and has kept us going since our official launch in 2009! So many others have come and gone in this time! Plus we have customers who have been with us since the early days!
It should be mentioned that Satanica is a "Deep Underground" label. This means we are dealing with projects & releases that typically sell amounts in the tens of copies, rather than hundreds or thousands. It's for music fans that like to get their hands on things that are a little different or even exclusive. It's for those who still enjoy receiving & playing the physical product, largely handmade in that true underground spirit of the 1990's.
Satanica has over 350 titles of release from over 270 bands, so there is sure to be something you like here!
So if you are a music buyer, remember that
since the bands get paid, purchasing from Satanica is directly
supporting our bands in a very real way. Everyone talks the talk about
"supporting the underground", well now here's your chance to walk the
walk! The deals our bands get on Satanica are set at precisely the level our own band would expect / hope to get from other labels!
By purchasing a release from Satanica it is deemed that you have read, understood & totally agree with the below nine statements.
Essentially, they represent our Terms & Conditions of purchase.
(1) All releases (excluding the DVD case style & a few other exceptions) come supplied in a choice of:
Slimline Case artwork with case supplied or Full-sized Jewel Case art, shipped without case
(2) We will contact you, by email, to confirm your order & preferred artwork style (see above).
If you would also like Mp3 versions (sent via the net) please ask when replying to this email.
The default will be the Full-sized Jewel Case Art option if we do not hear back from you within five (5) days.
Mp3 files are not sent automatically, we manually process them and send them out as part of fulfilling your order - be patient!
Please make sure you are contactable on the email address that you used to place the order with (or provide another).
(3) Unless otherwise noted all CD prices are $16NZD for EP/MCD length & $20NZD for album length plus s&h.
(4) Although Satanica releases are not limited edition per se, the reality is that these underground bands seldom sell more than 10 copies.
Therefore: Owing these releases is very exclusive & naturally these are short run releases.
Which means, by necessity, they are on recordable media and are essentially hand crafted.
This does not mean they are "cheap" or "shitty". Consider them a boutique hand made product.
If you have any concerns about the product you are considering purchasing feel free to watch this video.
(5) For standard CD releases (and some others except for cassettes!) our shipping price is a reasonable flat rate of $5NZD, to anywhere in the world!
We endeavour to send out orders within a few days of receiving them. However, since Satanica is a
small underground label - which generates very little income - sometimes "life situations" can get in the
way of this. Nevertheless, we like to keep our customers satisfied so if your order is not shipped within
ten (10) working days of receiving a message back about your preferred case selection we will include some
extra product for free with your order.
(6) Important: The prices are in NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS, not USD. Which means they are less expensive than they look!!
(7) All purchasers of Satanica's releases receive a virtual "Loyalty Card". Buy 5 releases and get a randomly selected title for free!
This free release could either be a Satanica item or something from our stock of trades. It's a surprise!
(8) Upcoming Releases are now listed on Satanica's Facebook page. Click this text.
(9) BANDS: If you would like your band/project to be released by Satanica, go to this page http://www.satanica.org/joinus.php
These will be displayed on the front page for at least a month. Click on the release dates to go to genre page.
Released on Sept 11th Released on August 17th
Released on January 13th Released on October 31st
Released on October 10th Released on March 25th
Released on October 31st Released on September 10th
Released on January 22nd Released on October 31st
(Not very up to date at present, but all the new releases are on the actual channel.)
You can also listen to older ones still on the Soundclick Player below. It seems to still be there even though the images are broken!
If we have not yet placed a song here from the band you are interested in you are welcome to email us at xanataph@gmail.com & we'll send you a sample track!
Current Satanica Feature
Other Promotions & Offers
Yes, that's friggin' right. With ALL retail purchases you'll receive the Special Edition version of the
'Most Unholy Convergence II' Uber-Compilation absolutely free!
This will be replaced by the Most Unholy Convergence III S.E. when it is released later in the year.
This applies to all retail orders except certain Uber Offers.
Return customers will be offered the choice of extra MUC II S.E. copies or other freebies!
We do not share customer data with any third party except for the obvious: PayPal to process the orders
and Gmail for receiving these. So your data is as secure as these services are.
No customer data is stored anywhere else online.